Large Holders Netflow


IntoTheBlock classifies addresses based on their holdings the following way:

Whales: Addresses holding over 1% of a crypto-asset’s circulating supply.

Investors: Addresses holding between 0.1% and 1% of circulating supply.

Retail: Addresses with less than 0.1% of circulating supply.

In most cases, any holder with over 0.1% of circulating supply of a large cap crypto-asset holds a substantial amount of funds. Therefore, Large Holders Netflow measures the amount of inflows minus outflows pertaining to these addresses.

💡 How can I use it?

Large Holders Netflow provides an idea of the change in positions of whales and investors with over 0.1% of supply. In short, spikes in netflow can be seen as accumulation from large players, while drops point to reduced positions or selling.

In the example above, we show how growth in large holders netflow (green boxes) precede spikes in the price of MATIC. This is the case as the high inflows reflect strong buying activity and can suggest positive momentum.

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