🔁What's New at IntoTheBlock?

Throughout this section you will be able to keep track of the updates IntoTheBlock has provided to its users over time. This is useful to make sure you didn’t miss out on new analytics that will help you better trade and understand crypto markets. Here are the most recent releases from the IntoTheBlock platform:

Release Date Release NameDescription

August 13, 2024

TON Jettons

Added support for TON Jettons

August 9, 2024

TON Analytics

Added support for the TON Network. Learn more

August 1, 2024

Quarterly Perspectives Update

Updated Perspectives dashboards with latest insights

March 27, 2024

IoTeX Analytics

Added support for the IoTeX network. Learn more

March 13, 2024

TRON Analytics

Added support for the TRON network. Learn more

January 18, 2024

New Pricing

Added new pricing tiers. Learn more

October 24, 2023


Added a new feature called Perspectives. Learn more

September 12, 2023

Base Network Analytics Support

Added support for Base analytics, including top tokens on the network. Learn more

August 17, 2023

Arbitrum Analytics Support

Added support for Arbitrum Analytics, including $ARB and 20+ tokens on the network. Learn more

July 24, 2023

11 New Indicators

Added support for 11 new indicators. Learn more

May 4, 2023

Optimism Analytics & Multi-Blockchain View

Added support for Optimism and major tokens on the Optimism network. Added a Multi-Blockchain View for tokens on multiple networks. Learn more

March 31, 2023

Homescreen & Design Update

Updated the design of the website and introduced a new homepage with advanced filter options and categories. Learn More

January 25, 2022

Cardano and ETH Proof of Stake Re-launch

Launched Cardano (ADA) analytics after being offline for six months. Added up-to-date data for Ethereum metrics on the PoS chain after the merge. Learn More

December 21, 2022

New Metrics Launched

Improvement of several indicators and launch of new metrics including the indicators Network Value to Transaction Ratio, Market Value to Realized Value Ratio, Asset Market Cap Comparison, Transaction Count by Size or Volume, Balance By Holdings in USD, Addresses by Holdings in USD and Open Interest to Market Cap Ratio. Learn more

December 1, 2022

Metrics and Features Update

Improvement of several indicators and metrics including historical correlation, historical market cap, circulating supply, holdings distribution matrix, and time held analysis. Learn more

November 15, 2022

Avalanche Analytics

Metrics for the Avalanche ecosystem, AVAX and 20+ tokens. Learn more

October 27, 2022

NFT Insights v2.1

New metrics such as profitability of NFT collections (IOM), variation in holders, listings, as well as improvements to existing ones. Learn more

August 10, 2022

NFT Insights v2

Tracking top collectors and key indicators for 1000+ NFT collections. Learn more

April 20, 2022

NFT Insights

New free section covering all the key metrics for the NFT ecosystem. Learn more

July 16, 2021

Curve Protocol

Protocol metrics covering Curve Finance, a decentralized exchange (DEX) focused on trading and liquidity provision for stable-assets.

July 2, 2021


New section analyzing proof of work mining. This covers key metrics like miners' reserves, their activity, their hash rate and what percentage miners represent out of all blockchain volume. Learn more here.

July 2, 2021

Fees Stats

Recent additions into network indicators breaking down the total amount users pay to use a blockchain and average costs to do so. Learn more here.

February 8, 2021

Capital Markets Insights

Key indicators comparing the performance, correlations and risk of crypto relative to traditional assets. Learn more here.

February 8, 2021

Download Data

The ability to download data has been added for free trial users and subscribers to analyze data through .csv files or download images.

November 30, 2020


Set of pages diving into an overview and explanations of how you can use all indicators available at IntoTheBlock.

October 13, 2020

DeFi Insights

Analytics covering decentralized finance (DeFi) broadly and top protocols such as Uniswap and Compound. Learn more here.

August 24, 2020

Exchanges On-Chain Flows

Metrics tracking the inflows and outflows of centralized exchanges. Learn more here.

July 22, 2020


Short-term price predictions based on machine learning models for top crypto-assets. Learn more here.

February 18, 2020


Metrics covering crypto perpetual swaps and futures. Learn more here.

December 10, 2019

Order Books

Indicators surrounding trading activity and orders at centralized exchanges. Learn more here.

Last updated